1. 在旅游方面,vista通常指美麗的自然景觀或城市的風景。:“我們沿著海岸線開車,欣賞著壯觀的海邊vista?!?/p>
2. 在建筑學上,vista也有指向建筑物或街道盡頭可見部分的意思。:“這條街道設計得很巧妙,每隔幾百米就有一個新的vista出現?!?/p>
3. 在藝術作品中,vista可以指畫面中遠處可見的景色。:“這幅畫作展現了一片寧靜山水之間的遠處vista。”
4. 在技術領域,Vista也是微軟公司推出的操作名稱。它于2007年發(fā)布,是Windows XP的后續(xù)版本。
例句參考:1. The vista from the mountain was breathtaking, with rolling hills and a crystal clear lake in the distance.
2. The architect designed the building with strategic vistas, allowing for beautiful views of the city from different angles.
3. The painting captured a peaceful vista of a distant countryside, with lush green fields and a winding river.
4. Many users were disappointed with the performance of Windows Vista compared to its predecessor, Windows XP.
5. As we walked along the trail, we were greeted with stunning vistas of snow-capped mountains and colorful wildflowers.