導讀:?1 "團圓 ":解釋為家人團聚、和睦相處的意思。讀音為tun yun,用例為 "中秋節(jié)是一年中家人團聚的重要時刻,大家一起吃月餅、賞月,感受
?1. "團圓":解釋為家人團聚、和睦相處的意思。讀音為tun yun,用例為"中秋節(jié)是一年中家人團聚的重要時刻,大家一起吃月餅、賞月,感受團圓的溫馨氛圍。"
2. "月圓":解釋為月亮圓滿、光輝明亮的意思。讀音為yu yun,用例為"中秋節(jié)是慶祝月圓的節(jié)日,人們在這天晚上會賞月、吃月餅,感受著美好的夜晚。"
3. "嫦娥奔月":解釋為傳說中嫦娥嫁給了后羿,并在后羿射下九個太陽后抱走了一個太陽,最終被玉兔帶到了月宮的故事。讀音為chng bn yu,用例為"每逢中秋佳節(jié),人們都會講述嫦娥奔月的故事,在這個傳說中體現(xiàn)出對美好愛情和永恒之愛的向往。"
4. "花好月圓":解釋為形容景色美好、氛圍和諧的意思。讀音為hu ho yu yun,用例為"中秋節(jié)的夜晚,月亮高懸、花兒盛開,讓人感受到一種美好的氛圍,這就是花好月圓的景象。"
5. "天涯共此時":解釋為遠隔千里的親人在中秋節(jié)能夠在同一時間賞月、思念彼此的意思。讀音為tin y gng c sh,用例為"雖然身處異地,但是在中秋節(jié)這個特殊的日子里,我們仍然能夠感受到天涯共此時的溫暖和親情。"
1. "Reunion": Explained as the meaning of family reunion and harmony. Pronounced as tun yun, the example is "The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important moment for families to gather and get along with each other, eating mooncakes and admiring the moon, feeling the warm atmosphere of reunion."
2. "Full Moon": Explained as the meaning of a full and bright moon. Pronounced as yu yun, the example is "The Mid-Autumn Festival is a celebration of the full moon, and people will admire the moon and eat mooncakes on this night, feeling the beauty of the night."
3. "Chang'e Flying to the Moon": Explained as the story of Chang'e marrying Hou Yi and taking away one sun after Hou Yi shot down nine suns, and finally being brought to the Moon Palace by a jade rabbit. Pronounced as chng bn yu, the example is "Every Mid-Autumn Festival, people will tell the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, which reflects their yearning for beautiful love and eternal love in this legend."
4. "Flowers in Full Bloom, Moon at its Brightest": Explained as describing a beautiful scenery and harmonious atmosphere. Pronounced as hu ho yu yun, the example is "On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, with a high-hanging moon and blooming flowers, one can feel a beautiful atmosphere called 'Flowers in Full Bloom, Moon at its Brightest'."
5. "Together under One Sky": Explained as distant relatives who are able to admire the moon and miss each other at the same time during Mid-Autumn Festival. Pronounced as tin y gng c sh, the example is "Although we are far apart from each other, during this special day of Mid-Autumn Festival, we can still feel warmth and family love together under one sky."
Compound words: "Reunion Dinner" (referring to families gathering for dinner), "Old Man Under The Moon" (the fairy who manages marriages according to legend), "Moon Viewing Platform" (a dedicated platform for admiring the moon), "The Moon Shines Brightly in the Sky" (describing a bright night), "Eating Mooncakes" (a traditional custom).
In summary, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions, admiring the full moon, and enjoying the beauty of nature. It is also a time to reflect on love and relationships, both with family and loved ones who may be far away. The festival is filled with rich traditions and meaningful idioms that capture the essence of this special occasion.