作為名詞時,stamp除了指代郵票外,還可以表示“印章”、“戳記”、“標記”等含義。,“He put a stamp on the envelope.”(他在信封上貼了一枚郵票);“I need to get my passport stamped at the immigration office.”(我需要在移民局蓋章確認我的);“The teacher gave him a gold star stamp for his good behavior.”(老師給了他一個金色星形戳記表揚他的好行為)。
作為動詞時,stamp可以表示“蓋章”、“踩踏”、“重復地做某事”等含義。,“The clerk stamped my passport.”(職員給我的蓋了章);“She stamped her feet in frustration.”(她氣憤地跺著腳);“He kept stamping his foot while waiting for the bus.”(他在等公交車時不停地跺著腳)。
作為形容詞時,stamp可以表示“堅定的”、“有決心的”等含義。,“He is a man of strong stamp.”(他是一個有堅定信念的人);“She has a stamp of determination on her face.”(她臉上帶著決心的表情)。
正確翻譯stamp取決于它所在句子的語境。如果指代郵票,可以直接翻譯為“stamp”或者“postage stamp”。如果指代印章或戳記,可以翻譯為“seal”、“stamp”或者“imprint”。如果作為動詞,可以根據具體含義翻譯為“蓋章”、“踩踏”、“重復做某事”等。如果作為形容詞,則可以翻譯為“堅定的”、“有決心的”等。
1. He collected stamps from all over the world.
2. The customs officer stamped my passport and let me through.
3. The post office is selling special edition stamps for the upcoming holiday.
4. She stamped her foot in anger and stormed out of the room.
5. He has a stamp of determination on his face, ready to face any challenge.