1. Students have the opt to choose their own classes.(學(xué)生們有權(quán)利選擇自己的課程。)
2. The company offered me two opts: a higher salary or more vacation time.(公司給我兩個選項:更高的薪水或更多的休假時間。)
1. I opted to stay home and relax instead of going out with my friends.(我選擇呆在家里放松,而不是和朋友出去。)
2. The team opted for a more aggressive strategy in the second half of the game.(球隊在比賽下半場選擇了更激進的策略。)
1. opt out:放棄、退出
例句:I decided to opt out of the project because I didn't have enough time to commit to it.(我決定退出這個項目,因為我沒有足夠的時間投入其中。)
2. opt for:選擇、挑選
例句:After much deliberation, we finally opted for the blue paint for the living room.(經(jīng)過多次討論,我們最終選擇了藍色的油漆來裝飾客廳。)
3. opt in:選擇參加、加入
例句:By opting in to our email list, you will receive updates and promotions from our company.(通過選擇加入我們的郵件列表,您將收到我們公司的更新和促銷信息。)
4. opt out of:不參加、退出
例句:I opted out of the family vacation because I had to work.(我因為要工作而放棄了家庭度假。)
5. optional:可選的、非強制性的
例句:The final project is optional, but it is highly recommended for students who want to improve their grade.(期末項目是可選的,但是對于想提高成績的學(xué)生來說,強烈建議參加。)
1. The restaurant offers a variety of dishes, so customers can opt for their favorite one.
2. In order to save money, I opted to take the bus instead of a taxi.
3. The company gives its employees the opt to work from home on Fridays.
4. She opted out of the race due to an injury.
5. The course has an optional final project, but most students choose to do it for extra credit.