導讀:?1 soddy是一種形容詞,用來形容某物質質量不純,或者外觀不整潔。:The house was in a soddy state after the party (派對
?1. soddy是一種形容詞,用來形容某物質質量不純,或者外觀不整潔。:The house was in a soddy state after the party. (派對后房子變得很臟亂。)
2. soddy也可以用作名詞,表示一種低質量的小屋子。:They lived in a small soddy on the outskirts of town. (他們住在城郊的一間小屋子里。)
3. 讀音:[sdi]
4. 用例:
- The old barn had a soddy roof that needed to be replaced. (老谷倉的屋頂是草坪做的,需要更換。)
- The farmer built a temporary soddy to shelter his animals during the storm. (農民建了一個臨時的草坪小屋來保護他的動物免受暴風雨的影響。)
- The children loved playing in the soddy, pretending it was their secret hideout. (孩子們喜歡在草坪小屋里玩耍,假裝它是他們的秘密藏身處。)
- The family decided to build a soddy for their summer vacation, as they wanted to experience living off the land. (這家人決定在夏天度假時建一個草坪小屋,因為他們想體驗一下靠土地生活的感覺。)
- The pioneers often built soddy houses when settling in new territories, as they were quick and easy to construct. (開拓者們在新的領地定居時經(jīng)常建造草坪小屋,因為它們建造起來快捷簡單。)
5. 組詞:soddy可以和其他形容詞或名詞組合,形成新的詞匯,:
- Soddy-looking (外表像草坪的)
- Soddy roof (草坪屋頂)
- Soddy construction (草坪建筑)
- Soddy house (草坪房子)
- Soddy soil (草坪土壤)
6. 中英文對照:
1. soddy is an adjective used to describe something that is of poor quality or appearance. For example: The house was in a soddy state after the party.
2. soddy can also be used as a noun, meaning a small low-quality house. For example: They lived in a small soddy on the outskirts of town.
3. Pronunciation: [sdi]
4. Examples:
- The old barn had a soddy roof that needed to be replaced.
- The farmer built a temporary soddy to shelter his animals during the storm.
- The children loved playing in the soddy, pretending it was their secret hideout.
- The family decided to build a soddy for their summer vacation, as they wanted to experience living off the land.
- The pioneers often built soddy houses when settling in new territories, as they were quick and easy to construct.
5. Word combinations: soddy can be combined with other adjectives or nouns to form new words, such as:
- Soddy-looking
- Soddy roof
- Soddy construction
- Soddy house
- Soddy soil
6. 簡單總結: