導讀:?empty的讀音是 mpti ,其中的元音發(fā)音為短元音 ,輔音發(fā)音為雙唇塞音 p ,舌尖向上卷起,舌面緊貼硬腭,聲帶不振動。重音在第一個
?empty的讀音是 /mpti/,其中的元音發(fā)音為短元音 //,輔音發(fā)音為雙唇塞音 /p/,舌尖向上卷起,舌面緊貼硬腭,聲帶不振動。重音在第一個音節(jié)上。
empty作為形容詞時,常用來描述物體或者場所沒有被占據(jù)或者使用。,“The room is empty.”(房間是空的),“The streets were empty.”(街道上沒有人),“The bottle is empty.”(瓶子是空的)。
empty也可以用來形容抽象概念,表示缺乏或者無效。,“I feel empty inside.”(我內(nèi)心感覺很空虛),“His promises turned out to be empty.”(他的承諾最終都落了空)。
當empty作為動詞時,常用來表示清除或者排出物體中的內(nèi)容。,“He emptied his pockets onto the table.”(他把口袋里的東西倒在桌子上),“She emptied the trash can.”(她清空了垃圾桶)。
empty作為名詞時,通常指物體中的空白部分或者缺乏某物。,“There were a few empties on the table.”(桌子上有幾個空酒瓶),“She filled the empties with flowers.”(她用花裝飾了空瓶子)。
1. The house stood empty for years before anyone moved in.(房子在無人居住多年后才有人搬進來)
2. The store shelves were empty after the sale.(折扣結束后,商店貨架上都是空的)
3. He emptied his mind and focused on the task at hand.(他放空思想,專心完成手頭的任務)
4. She emptied her glass and poured herself another drink.(她喝光了杯中的酒,又倒了一杯)
5. The teacher asked the students to fill in the empty spaces on their worksheets.(老師要求學生填寫工作表上的空白處)