使用eventhorizon時,通常需要注意其作為名詞的用法。,“The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return for any matter or energy.”(黑洞的視界是任何物質或能量都無法逃脫的點。)
除了作為名詞外,eventhorizon還可以作為形容詞使用,表示“與視界相關的”。,“Scientists are studying the eventhorizon properties of different celestial bodies.”(科學家們正在研究不同天體的視界特性。)
1. The spaceship was approaching the eventhorizon of the black hole, and the crew knew they were about to cross a point of no return.
2. The documentary explained how scientists were able to capture an image of the eventhorizon for the first time in history.
3. The concept of eventhorizon has fascinated science fiction writers for decades, often appearing in their stories as a gateway to other dimensions.
4. The team of researchers used advanced technology to study the behavior of matter near the eventhorizon, revealing new insights into the nature of black holes.
5. As they got closer and closer to the eventhorizon, the astronauts could feel their ship being pulled in by the immense gravitational force.