作為名詞,curses通常指的是一系列的不祥言辭或魔法力量,用來給人帶來厄運或不幸。:“The old witch put a curse on the village.”(老巫婆給村子下了一道詛咒。)此外,curses也可以指某種疾病或災(zāi)難性。:“The country was hit by a series of curses, including famine and plague.”(這個遭受了一連串的災(zāi)禍,包括饑荒和瘟疫。)
作為動詞,curses意為“發(fā)出咀咒”、“念咀咒”或“謾罵”。:“The angry sailor cursed the stormy sea.”(憤怒的水手對著洶涌的海發(fā)出了妄言。)此外,curses也可以指某人在受到壓力或不幸時發(fā)表的憤怒言辭。:“He cursed his bad luck and kicked the chair in frustration.”(他對自己的倒霉運氣大發(fā)雷霆,并踢倒椅子以釋放壓力。)
1. The old woman's curses seemed to have a real effect on the young couple, as they encountered one misfortune after another.(老婦人的詛咒似乎對年輕夫婦產(chǎn)生了真正的影響,因為他們接連遭遇不幸。)
2. The villagers believed that the abandoned house was cursed and avoided going near it at all costs.(村民們相信那座廢棄的房子被詛咒了,他們不惜一切代價遠離它。)
3. The witch doctor performed a ritual to remove the curse from the sick child, and miraculously, the child recovered soon after.(巫醫(yī)進行了一場儀式,去除了那個患病孩子身上的詛咒,奇跡般地,孩子很快就康復了。)
4. The angry customer cursed at the poor service of the restaurant and vowed never to return again.(憤怒的顧客對餐廳糟糕的服務(wù)發(fā)出謾罵,并發(fā)誓再也不回來了。)
5. The politician's corruption scandal brought a curse upon his family name, and their reputation was forever tarnished.(政客的丑聞給他們家族帶來了詛咒,他們的聲譽永遠被玷污了。)
1. As I walked through the dark forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if the trees were whispering curses at me.
2. The old woman's curses seemed to have a real effect on the young couple, as they encountered one misfortune after another.
3. The little girl believed that her doll was cursed, as every time she played with it, something bad would happen to her.
4. The villagers were convinced that the old abandoned house was cursed and haunted by evil spirits.
5. The witch doctor chanted ancient spells to break the curse that had been put on the young prince by an evil sorcerer.