1. 用作形容詞,表示感到頭暈或眩暈的狀態(tài)。
例句:The spinning ride made me feel dizzy. (旋轉游樂設施讓我感到頭暈。)
2. 用作形容詞,表示心理上的不適。
例句:The dizzying pace of the city overwhelmed me. (城市快節(jié)奏讓我不知所措。)
3. 用作形容詞,表示情緒上的混亂或困惑。
例句:I was dizzy with excitement when I heard the news. (聽到這個消息讓我興奮得頭暈目眩。)
4. 用作動詞,表示使某人感到頭暈。
例句:The strong smell of the perfume made me dizzy. (香水濃烈的味道讓我感到頭暈。)
5. 用作名詞,指某種輕微的頭暈感。
例句:I have been experiencing dizziness lately. (最近我一直感到有點頭暈。)
1. The spinning ride made me feel dizzy. (旋轉游樂設施讓我感到頭暈。)
2. I was dizzy with excitement when I heard the news. (聽到這個消息讓我興奮得頭暈目眩。)
3. The strong smell of the perfume made me dizzy. (香水濃烈的味道讓我感到頭暈。)
4. She felt dizzy after standing up too quickly. (她站起來太快后感到頭暈。)
5. He was so overwhelmed with emotions that he felt dizzy and had to sit down. (他被情緒壓倒,感到頭暈,不得不坐下來。)
1. giddy - 指的是輕微的頭暈或眩暈,也可以表示興奮或沖動。
例句:The rollercoaster made her feel giddy with excitement. (過山車讓她興奮得有點頭暈。)
2. lightheaded - 指的是輕微的頭暈或眩暈,通常由于缺氧或低血壓引起。
例句:I felt lightheaded after standing up too quickly from a long nap. (從長時間的午睡中站起來太快后,我感到有點頭昏眼花。)
3. confused - 指的是心理上的困惑或混亂,可以用來形容思維不清晰或無法理解某件事情。
例句:The complex instructions left me feeling confused. (復雜的說明讓我感到困惑。)
4. disoriented - 指的是感覺失去方向或定向,也可以表示上的迷茫。
例句:After the car accident, she felt disoriented and didn't know where she was. (車禍后,她感到迷失方向,不知道自己在哪里。)
5. woozy - 指的是輕微的頭暈或眩暈,通常由于疲勞、酒精或藥物引起。
例句:She felt woozy after drinking too much alcohol. (喝了太多酒后,她感到有點頭暈。)