導讀:egui的翻譯是“電子圖形用戶界面”的意思,它是一個由英文縮寫組成的單詞。它由“electronic”和“graphical user interface”兩個單詞縮
egui的翻譯是“電子圖形用戶界面”的意思,它是一個由英文縮寫組成的單詞。它由“electronic”和“graphical user interface”兩個單詞縮寫而來,因此其全稱為“Electronic Graphical User Interface”。
1. The egui is the most user-friendly interface I have ever used.
2. The new operating system comes with a more advanced egui.
3. The egui allows users to easily navigate through different applications.
4. The company has developed a new version of egui for their latest product.
5. The egui is designed to simplify the user experience and increase efficiency.
1. The egui has revolutionized the way we interact with computers. (egui徹底改變了我們與計算機交互的方式。)
2. The egui makes it easy for even non-technical users to operate complex software. (egui使得即使是非技術人員也可以輕松操作復雜的軟件。)
3. With the help of egui, users can customize their desk and personalize their experience. (借助egui,用戶可以自定義桌面并個性化他們的體驗。)
4. The new version of the operating system comes with an upgraded egui, providing a more intuitive user interface. (新版本的操作配備了升級版的egui,提供更直觀的用戶界面。)
5. The company has received positive feedback on their latest product, especially for its user-friendly egui. (該公司收到了有關他們最新產(chǎn)品的積極反饋,尤其是針對它用戶友好的egui。)
1. GUI (graphical user interface):與egui相同,GUI也是指圖形用戶界面。
2. UI (user interface):也是指用戶界面,但不限于圖形界面,還包括命令行界面等。
3. Front-end interface:前端接口,通常用于描述網(wǎng)頁或應用程序中用戶與交互的部分。
4. Desk environment:桌面環(huán)境,指操作中提供給用戶的圖形界面。
5. WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) interface:窗口、圖標、菜單、指針界面,是一種用戶界面設計模式,常用于描述egui或GUI。
筆者jack,驚聞此刻有一術語名為egui,實則是由“electronic”及“graphical user interface”二語合成者也。通常用以描繪計算機操作中之圖形用戶界面(GUI)。其特點之友善,令人如沐春風。借助鼠標、鍵盤等外物,可使人與電子計算機互動,實現(xiàn)交流之功用。除此以外,諸多同義詞亦存其間,皆用以描述類似概念。愿本文能助讀者更佳理解并運用此一術語。