導讀:?e是英文字母中的第五個,也是元音字母中的第二個。它的讀音是 i ,與字母a、i、o、u的讀音不同,它沒有舌位移動和口腔形狀變化,只需張開
e在英文中有多種含義,最常見的意思是“和”,“you and me”(你和我)。此外,它還可以表示數(shù)學中常用的自然對數(shù)常數(shù)(2.71828...),著無窮大。
例句1:She and her sister are twins.(她和她姐姐是雙胞胎。)
例句2:I love you and I always will.(我愛你,并且會一直愛你。)
例句3:The value of e is approximately 2.71828.(e的值約為2.71828。)
例句4:The possibilities are endless.(可能性無限。)
例句5:E-commerce has become increasingly popular in recent years.(電子商務在近年來變得越來越流行。)
1. easy(容易的)
2. evening(晚上)
3. elephant(大象)
4. energy(能量)
5. example(例子)
e is the fifth letter in the English alphabet and the second vowel letter. Its pronunciation is /i/, which is different from the other vowel letters as it does not require any movement of the tongue or changes in the shape of the mouth, just a simple opening of the lips.
e is what? What is e's pronunciation?
E is a letter in the English alphabet that represents a sound and can also be used as a letter in words. Its pronunciation is unique and differs from other vowel letters.
What does e mean? What is e's pronunciation?
E has multiple meanings in English, but one of its most common uses is as a conjunction meaning "and", for example, "you and me". It can also represent a mathematical constant known as Euler's number (2.71828...), which stands for infinity.
Example sentences:
1. She and her sister are twins.
2. I love you and I always will.
3. The value of e is approximately 2.71828.
4. The possibilities are endless.
5. E-commerce has become increasingly popular in recent years.
What is e's pronunciation?
E's pronunciation is /i/, which differs from other vowel letters as it only requires a simple opening of the lips to produce its long sound.
Word combinations:
1. easy
2. evening
3. elephant
4. energy
5. example
In summary, e is the fifth letter in the English alphabet and has a unique pronunciation compared to other vowel letters. It can mean "and" or represent a mathematical constant for infinity. Its pronunciation is /i/ and it can be combined with other words to form new words such as easy or elephant.