1. The turkey was cooked to perfection, with a crispy golden skin and a juicy butterball inside. (這只火雞做得非常完美,外表金黃酥脆,內(nèi)部多汁的黃油球)
2. She has been trying to lose weight, but she can't resist the temptation of eating butterballs. (她一直在努力減肥,但她無法抗拒吃黃油球的誘惑)
3. The little girl rolled the butter into tiny butterballs and put them on of the freshly baked bread. (小女孩把黃油搓成小小的黃油球放在新鮮出爐的面包上)
4. He may look like a butterball, but he is actually very strong and agile. (他看起來像個黃油球,但實際上非常強壯和靈活)
5. The chef butterballed the steak before grilling it, resulting in a delicious and tender meat. (廚師在烤牛排前先把它涂上黃油,最終得到了美味嫩滑的肉)
1. buttery:形容詞,意為“多黃油的”、“像黃油一樣的”。:The popcorn was coated in a buttery layer, making it extra flavorful. (爆米花上有一層黃油,使它更加美味)
2. chubby:形容詞,意為“豐滿的”、“圓胖的”。:The little boy's face was chubby and adorable. (小男孩的臉圓圓的,很可愛)
3. globule:名詞,意為“小球狀物”。:The soup was full of tiny globules of butter, making it rich and creamy. (湯里有許多小小的黃油球,使它變得濃郁奶香)
4. smear:動詞,意為“涂抹”。:She smeared some butter on the toast and handed it to me. (她在吐司上抹了一些黃油遞給我)
5. plump:形容詞,意為“豐滿的”、“鼓起來的”。:The chicken was plump and juicy, cooked to perfection. (雞肉又鼓又嫩,做得非常完美)