aureole作為名詞使用,常見搭配有“golden aureole”(黃金光環(huán))、“angelic aureole”(天使光環(huán))、“saintly aureole”(圣人光環(huán))等。它也可以作為動詞使用,表示給某人增添了一種神圣的氛圍。
1. The painting depicts the angel with a golden aureole above her head. (這幅畫描繪了一位頭頂有黃金光環(huán)的天使。)
2. The saint's face was surrounded by a glowing aureole, making him appear even more holy. (圣人臉上被一道閃亮的神圣之光所包圍,讓他看起來更加神圣。)
3. The sunset cast a warm aureole over the city, creating a peaceful and magical atmosphere. (夕陽為城市籠罩了一層溫暖的光環(huán),營造出寧靜神奇的氛圍。)
4. The actress's beauty was enhanced by the aureole of light that surrounded her on stage. (女演員在舞臺上被一圈光環(huán)所包圍,讓她的美麗更加突出。)
5. The audience could feel the aura of success around the young entrepreneur, as if he had an aureole of good fortune above his head.(觀眾可以感受到年輕企業(yè)家身上散發(fā)出成功的氣息,仿佛他頭頂有一道幸運之光。)
1. Halo:也是指頭頂上的光環(huán)或者光輪,常用來形容神圣、榮耀或者美麗。
2. Crown:通常指皇冠或者王冠,但也可以用來比喻頭頂上的光環(huán),表示權力、榮耀或者尊貴。
3. Glory:意為榮耀、光榮,也可以用來形容頭頂上的光輝。
4. Radiance:指輻射出的光芒或者明亮的氣息,也可以用來形容頭頂上散發(fā)出的神圣之光。
5. Aura:表示氣息、氛圍或者光環(huán),常用來形容某人身上散發(fā)出的特殊氣息或者神圣光環(huán)。