例句1:She prefers to be alone when she's feeling down. 她在情緒低落時喜歡一個人待著。
例句2:The child was left alone in the house. 這個孩子被留在了家里獨自一人。
例句3:He alone knows the truth. 只有他知道。
例句4:I can't do this alone, I need your help. 我一個人做不了這件事,我需要你的幫助。
例句5:The company stands alone as the leader in this industry. 這家公司獨占鰲頭,在這個行業(yè)里處于領先地位。
1. Solo - 作為形容詞時,與alone含義相同,但更強調“單獨”、“唯一”的意思。:He took a solo trip to Europe. 他一個人去歐洲旅行。
2. Lonely - 表示“孤單”的同時還有一種悲傷和難過的感覺。:She felt lonely after her best friend moved away. 她最好的朋友搬走后,她感到很孤單。
3. Isolated - 強調被隔離、被孤立的狀態(tài)。:The village is isolated from the rest of the world. 這個村子與世隔絕。
4. Secluded - 表示“隱蔽”的意思,強調處于一個安靜、私密的地方。:They found a secluded spot by the lake to have a picnic. 他們在湖邊找到一個僻靜的地方野餐。
5. Independent - 指獨立自主,不依賴他人。:She's an independent woman who doesn't need anyone's help. 她是一個獨立的女性,不需要別人的幫助。