導讀:?1 affinity是指兩個或多個事物之間的親密關系,也可以表示對某種事物的喜愛或傾向。:我和她有一種特殊的affinity,我們總是能夠很快地達
- The two brothers have a strong affinity for each other, they are always together.
- I have an affinity for classical music, I listen to it every day.
- He has an affinity for adventure, he loves trying new things.
- The artist's work shows a strong affinity to nature, it is inspired by the beauty of the natural world.
- She has a natural affinity for languages, she can easily pick up new ones.
- There is an undeniable affinity between the two cultures, they share many similarities.
- The cat and dog have developed an unlikely affinity, they are now best friends.
- close affinity (緊密)
- genetic affinity (遺傳關系)
- cultural affinity (文化相似性)
- natural affinity (天生的親近感)
- affinity group (親密團體)
affinity是指兩個或多個事物之間的緊密,也可以表達對某種事物的熱愛或偏好。它源自拉丁語中的"affinitas"一詞,意為"血緣關系"。在句中可以作為名詞或形容詞使用,常見搭配有close affinity、genetic affinity等。在我看來,它更像是一種情感紐帶,將不同事物緊密在一起。它也可以著共同點和相似性,讓人們更加親近和融合??偠灾?,affinity是一種強大的力量,在我們生活中扮演著重要角色。