導(dǎo)讀:?berne是一個英文單詞,它的意思是伯恩。它可以指瑞士的首都伯恩(Bern),也可以指一種古老的船只,即燃燒船(burne)。berne的發(fā)音為 [
berne的發(fā)音為 [bn],其中 [] 為元音,發(fā)音時舌尖抵住下齒齦,嘴唇微微張開。
1. 指代一種古老的游戲,類似于躲貓貓。:The children were playing berne in the garden.
2. 指代一種衣領(lǐng)或袖口上的褶皺裝飾。:The dress had beautiful berne details.
3. 在醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域中,berne可以指代一種腫塊或腫物。:The doctor found a small berne on my arm.
4. 在術(shù)語中,berne可以指代一種防御性工事或堡壘。:The soldiers built a berne to protect their camp.
5. 作為動詞時,berne表示“把…放置在堆積物上”。:She berned the books on the table.
1. The city of Berne is known for its beautiful old town and charming atmosphere.
2. The sailors set fire to the berne and watched as it drifted towards the enemy ships.
3. The children were having a great time playing berne in the park.
4. Her dress had delicate berne details that added a touch of elegance to her outfit.
5. The doctor was concerned when he found a large berne on the patient's neck.
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