導讀:?bieber是一個英文單詞,可以指代加拿大歌手賈斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)。在一些網(wǎng)絡文化中,bieber也被用作貶義詞,表示某人或事物缺乏
?bieber是一個英文單詞,可以指代加拿大歌手賈斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)。在一些網(wǎng)絡文化中,bieber也被用作貶義詞,表示某人或事物缺乏品味或低俗。
1. 指代加拿大歌手賈斯汀比伯。:“我最喜歡的歌手是bieber。”“今天晚上有誰想和我一起去看bieber的演唱會?”
2. 貶義用法,表示某人或事物缺乏品味或低俗。:“別再聽那些bieber的歌了,換點高雅的音樂吧。”“這部電影真是太bieber了,毫無意義。”
1. I can't believe you're still a fan of bieber, his music is so overrated.
2. My little sister is obsessed with bieber, she has posters of him all over her room.
3. I used to like bieber's music, but now it's just too mainstream for me.
4. Don't be so bieber, try something new and unique.
5. The new restaurant in town is so bieber, I wouldn't waste my money eating there.