導(dǎo)讀:?How to say "柜子 " in English? What does "柜子 " mean?用法:柜子 (gu zi) is a noun that refers to a piece of
?How to say "柜子" in English? What does "柜子" mean?
柜子 (gu zi) is a noun that refers to a piece of furniture with drawers or shelves used for storing items. It can also be used as a verb to mean "to put something in a cabinet."
1. 我把衣服都放在了衣柜里。 (W b yfu du fng zi le ygu l.)
I put all my clothes in the wardrobe.
2. 這個文件柜可以存放很多文件。 (Zh g wnjin gu ky cnfng hn du wnjin.)
This filing cabinet can hold a lot of documents.
3. 他把鑰匙放在了抽屜里的鑰匙盒里。 (T b yoshi fng zi le chuti l de yoshi h l.)
He put his keys in the key box in the drawer.
4. 我需要一個帶鎖的保險箱來存放重要的文件。 (W xyo y g di su de boxinxing li cnfng zhngyo de wnjin.)
I need a locked safe to store important documents.
5. 這個廚房柜子里有很多碗碟和餐具。 (Zh g chfng guzi l yu hn du wndi h cnj.)
There are many bowls, plates, and utensils in this kitchen cabinet.
1. 櫥柜 (chgu) - kitchen cabinet
2. 衣柜 (ygu) - wardrobe
3. 文件柜 (wnjin gu) - filing cabinet
4. 保險箱 (boxinxing) - safe
5. 隔板柜 (gbn gu) - partitioned cabinet