1. 姑娘站在窗前,當窗理云鬢對鏡貼花黃。
The girl stood in front of the window, carefully arranging her hair and putting on the yellow hair accessory in front of the mirror.
2. 媽媽每天早上都會當窗理云鬢對鏡貼花黃,她總是那么漂亮。
Every morning, my mother would stand in front of the window, carefully arranging her hair and putting on the yellow hair accessory. She always looks so beautiful.
3. 她在婚禮當天特意選擇了一條白色旗袍,在腰間系上一條紅色的絲帶,當窗理云鬢對鏡貼花黃,整個人散發(fā)出迷人的氣息。
On her wedding day, she deliberately chose a white qipao and tied a red ribbon around her waist. Standing in front of the mirror, carefully arranging her hair and putting on the yellow hair accessory, she exuded a charming aura.
4. 在古代,女子們都喜歡當窗理云鬢對鏡貼花黃,以展現(xiàn)自己的美麗和優(yōu)雅。
In ancient times, women loved to stand in front of the window, carefully arranging their hair and putting on the yellow hair accessory to show their beauty and elegance.
5. 她每天早上都會花很長時間當窗理云鬢對鏡貼花黃,因為她相信只有精心打扮自己才能更加自信地面對一天的工作。
She spends a long time every morning standing in front of the window, carefully arranging her hair and putting on the yellow hair accessory because she believes that only by dressing up can she face the day's work with more confidence.
1. 理發(fā):指梳理頭發(fā)。:她每天早上起床第一件事就是理發(fā)。
2. 梳妝:指整理妝容。:她在鏡子前仔細梳妝,準備出門。
3. 貼飾:指戴上飾物。:她貼上一朵花作為發(fā)飾,更添女人味。
4. 打扮:指精心裝飾自己。:她花了很多時間打扮自己,終于出門了。
5. 修飾:指修飾外表。:她喜歡用發(fā)飾來修飾自己的發(fā)型。