導(dǎo)讀:?poker face是一個英語短語,指的是一種冷靜、鎮(zhèn)定的表情,無論內(nèi)心感受如何都能保持不露聲色的表情。這個短語源自撲克牌游戲中,玩家為
?poker face是一個英語短語,指的是一種冷靜、鎮(zhèn)定的表情,無論內(nèi)心感受如何都能保持不露聲色的表情。這個短語源自撲克牌游戲中,玩家為了對手看出自己的牌面而保持的表情。在現(xiàn)實生活中,poker face通常用來形容一個人在面對困境、壓力或者挑戰(zhàn)時能夠保持冷靜、沉著的表情。
poker face是一個非常常用的短語,在英語廣泛流行,并且經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在電影、電視劇以及歌曲中。它也可以作為動詞使用,表示一個人在表情上保持冷靜,:“She had to poker face her way through the difficult interview.”(她不得不在艱難的面試中保持冷靜)。
1. Despite the bad news, she maintained a poker face and didn't show any emotion.
2. The detective's poker face made it impossible for the suspect to tell if he was lying.
3. He tried to keep a poker face, but his trembling hands gave away his nervousness.
4. The politician's poker face was unbreakable, even when faced with tough questions from the press.
5. She had a perfect poker face, never revealing her true feelings to anyone.
poker face是一個形容一個人能夠在壓力下保持冷靜、鎮(zhèn)定表情的短語,在日常生活中經(jīng)常被使用。它也可以作為動詞,表示一個人在表情上保持不露聲色。如果你想要在面對挑戰(zhàn)時保持鎮(zhèn)定自若,就可以使用poker face來形容自己。