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                look through怎么翻譯是什么意思

                導讀:?釋義:look through是一個短語動詞,意為瀏覽、審閱、翻閱。它可以用來描述對書籍、文件或其他材料的快速查閱,也可以用來形容對某個問...

                ?釋義:look through是一個短語動詞,意為“瀏覽、審閱、翻閱”。它可以用來描述對書籍、文件或其他材料的快速查閱,也可以用來形容對某個問題或情況的仔細審視。


                look through怎么翻譯?的用法

                look through這個短語動詞通常由兩個部分組成,其中through是一個介詞,表示“穿過、通過”的意思。而look則是一個動詞,表示“看、觀察”的含義。因此,結(jié)合起來就可以理解為“通過看”或“透過觀察”的意思。

                在實際使用中,look through通常被用來描述對某件事物的快速查閱或瀏覽。它強調(diào)的是一種快速而非深入的觀察方式。比如,你可以說:“我只是簡單地看了一下這份報告,還沒有仔細地閱讀。”也就是說,你只是做了一個粗略的瀏覽。

                此外,look through也可以指對文件、書籍等材料進行仔細審閱。:“我花了整整一天時間才把這本厚厚的教科書從頭到尾地看了一遍。”在這句話中,“從頭到尾地看”就可以用look through來表達。

                look through怎么翻譯?的例句

                1. I just quickly looked through the document, I haven't had time to read it thoroughly.


                2. She spent the whole afternoon looking through old photo albums and reminiscing about her childhood.


                3. Can you look through this report and give me your opinion on it?


                4. The teacher asked us to look through the textbook before the exam.


                5. He promised to look through my resume and give me some feedback.



                1. Look through can be translated as "瀏覽、審閱、翻閱". It is a phrasal verb that describes a quick review or examination of something, such as a document or book.

                2. The meaning of look through is "to browse, review, or examine". It emphasizes a fast and superficial way of observing something.

                3. When using look through, we often refer to a quick glance or a cursory reading of something. For example, "I only had time to look through the newspaper this morning."

                4. Another way to translate look through is "to skim, scan, or glance through". This suggests a more casual and less thorough approach to examining something.

                5. Look through can also be interpreted as "to peruse, study, or scrutinize". This implies a more careful and detailed examination of something.

                • look through怎么翻譯是什么意思
                  look through怎么翻譯是什么意思
                  2024-11-11 16:04:13
                  ?釋義:look through是一個短語動詞,意為瀏覽、審閱、翻閱。它可以用來描述對書籍、文件或其他材料的快速查閱,也可以用來形容對某個問
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