?lessthan是一個英語單詞,它可以分解為less和than兩部分,其中l(wèi)ess意為“更少的”,than意為“比”。因此,lessthan的字面意思就是“比更少的”。它在句子中通常用作比較級,表示某物或某人數(shù)量、程度或質(zhì)量上比另一物或人少。,“She is less than 30 years old.”(她不到30歲),“He is less than intelligent.”(他不太聰明)。
lessthan也可以用作介詞,表示“不如”、“低于”、“小于”等含義。,“The quality of this product is less than satisfactory.”(這個產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量不如理想)。此外,在數(shù)學(xué)領(lǐng)域中,lessthan還可以表示小于符號(<),用來表示兩個數(shù)值中前者小于后者。
1. The price of this dress is less than $50. (這件裙子的價格低于50美元。)
2. I have less than ten dollars in my wallet. (我錢包里不到10美元。)
3. She is less than five feet tall. (她不到5英尺高。)
4. The number of students in this class is less than that in the other class.(這個班級的學(xué)生人數(shù)少于另一個班級。)
5. He earns less than his brother, but he is happier. (他賺的錢比他弟弟少,但是他更快樂。)
例句參考1:The temperature today is less than yesterday, but it's still hot.
例句參考2:My score on the test was less than yours, but I'm still proud of myself.
例句參考3:The number of people attending the party was less than expected due to bad weather.
例句參考4:The quality of this product is less than satisfactory, I will ask for a refund.
例句參考5:Her salary is less than her colleagues', but she enjoys her job more.
上一篇:mountain是什么意思 mountain指的是高聳的大山